Ban On “Gender Affirming” Care For Children In TN, Passed by House Civil Justice Committee 

On February 15th, 2023, Rep. William Lamberth’s (R-Portland-District 44) House Bill 0001 (HB0001) was passed by voice vote in a meeting of the House Civil Justice Committee.

Rep. Lamberth opened by saying, “This is a very straightforward bill […] for puberty blockers, hormones, some of the surgeries that have been done on minors for these particular purposes, it would prohibit those medical practices in Tennessee, for all the reasons that have been stated in both health sub[committee], [and] health full [committee].”

Members of the Civil Justice Committee then heard multiple public testimonies against HB0001, including a statement from an eighteen-year-old transgender student out of Williamson County, who told committee members that the bill “endangers those who you say you are protecting and masquerades as love and care, but [it] is really about control and fear.”

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