
Demand Age Requirement for Drag Shows - Protect the Children

We the people of Tennessee sign below petitioning the legislature of our state to pass a law that requires all drag performances be for persons who have reached the age of 18 and above only. Children under the age of 18 shall not be permitted to attend, even if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Stand for Our Children

The best laws are those that are moral, constitutional, practical, serve the greater good, are supported by the majority of the citizenry and protect the most vulnerable among us. 

This is why we, the people of Tennessee, are petitioning our state legislators to pass a law stipulating that all drag shows or events featuring drag performers must be for persons 18 years and older only. No one under the age of 18 shall be permitted to attend, even in the company of their parent or guardian.

To sign your name to this petition, simply fill out the form and we will deliver them to our state legislators to support them in the passing of this legislation.

It is time to stand for our children in the values that have made our state great.
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