Conservative Rep. Gino Bulso Files Bill To Protect Tennessee’s Unborn Children

With the 2025 legislative session mere weeks away, bills are already being filed to secure their position for the earliest possible consideration, and one such bill aims to enact strong protections for life in the womb.

Rep. Gino Bulso (R- Dist. 61-Brentwood) has officially filed House Bill 0026 (HB0026), entitled the Unborn Child Protection Act of 2025 which, if passed, will reaffirm, “Human life begins at fertilization,” and that, “An unborn child is entitled to the full and equal protection of the laws that prohibit violence against any other person.”

The bill is based on already existing federal laws banning the mailing of or receiving in the mail abortion pills, and states, “a manufacturer, distributor, seller, or reseller, of an abortion-inducing drug shall not mail or deliver an abortion-inducing drug into this state.” Consequences for violations of this law that result in the death of an unborn child would cause the responsible entity to be liable for damages in the amount of $5,000,000.

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