Tennessee Senate maps ruled unconstitutional

A Tennessee court ruled Wednesday afternoon that Republican-drawn state Senate maps are unconstitutional, giving the General Assembly until Jan. 31 to adopt new maps.

"Today’s court ruling against the gerrymandered state Senate map is a clear win for the Tennessee Constitution. Even when a political party has a supermajority in the Legislature, its members must still follow the law,” Senate Minority Leader Sen. Raumesh Akbari and Democratic Caucus Chairwoman Sen. London Lamar said in a joint statement Wednesday. "In the days ahead, Senate Democrats will once again be advocating for a fair map and transparent process that keeps communities whole and reflects who we are as a state."

The same court ruled House maps are constitutional and dismissed that part of the lawsuit with prejudice.

In August, several Tennessee groups filed a lawsuit challenging the state’s congressional and state redistricting maps that went into effect in 2022.

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